Virtual Prototyping Platform

DreamBig Semiconductor (DBS) stands out as a player in the semiconductor sector, established by a group of visionaries with a solid history in the industry. DreamBig has transformed the semiconductor-based data processing and networking industry by offering low-cost, low-latency, high-throughput solutions using cutting-edge chiplet technology by way of its MARS Chiplet Platform. Beyond the bleeding edge chiplet design philosophy, DreamBig is also redefining how the semiconductor industry validates large silicon design projects with its Virtual Prototyping Platform (VPP). DreamBig’s VPP, which enables different ecosystem partners to develop and test customized chiplet solutions together in a single environment, allows for early architectural exploration, design validation, and chiplet interoperability testing. All which support the goal of an earlier time-to-market.

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71% were able to recover 91% or more affected data.
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92% had zero financial impact due to ransomware‑inflicted downtime.
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85% cut their average ransomware recovery costs under $25K.

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